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Tofu Masala Patties

I absolutely love the vegetarian masala burgers from trader joes. They are easy (because the come frozen) and totally delicious. However, they’re super high in sodium which I want to try to avoid when possible. I decided to try and come up with a healthier version that allowed me to use ingredients I keep at home regularly. I haven’t tried freezing them yet (but will update this post when I test that out!) Make sure to cut up all the veggies small so that the patties stick together well and don’t hesitate to be creative with the ingredients!


  • 1.5 T minced garlic
  • 1 T minced ginger
  • 3 T finely chopped cilantro + extra to top
  • 1/2 bell pepper diced
  • 1/4 white onion finely chopped
  • 6 ounces firm tofu
  • 1/4 C slivered almonds
  • 3 t salt
  • 2 t cumin
  • 2 t garam masala (available at most Indian stores!)
  • 2 t chili powder
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 T olive oil


1. In a bowl, crumble the tofu finely into little pieces. I used my hands to do this after a quick rough chop.

2. Add in bell pepper, onion, garlic, ginger, and cilantro and combine thoroughly.

3. Add in almonds, the spices, olive oil, and lemon juice and combine. The mixture should look like a loose tofu mixture.

4. To keep the recipe vegan, take 1/4 C of the mixture and puree. This will make a liquid that you can recombine with the rest to hold it together as a patty. If not, add 1 egg to hold the batter together.

5. Heat a skillet on high heat. Form patties and slowly cook for 3 minutes (approx) per side.

6. Top with a sliced tomato and cilantro and serve! Can also be topped with some creamy cheese and put inside a bun with a little chutney or ketchup. Enjoy!

**Makes about twelve 2-inch patties!



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