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    Chocolate Peanut Butter Ganache Cupcakes

    Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with chocolate ganache When I was a kid, my favorite part of valentine’s day was getting tons and tons of chocolate and sugary candies to eat all day at school. There is no such thing as too much chocolate in my opinion. These cupcakes are a great chocolatey treat for Valentine’s day or otherwise. I adapted a recipe found here. These would be great with another filling (coconut, raspberry, custard, etc.) if peanut butter isn’t your style.   Ingredients: 1.5 C Cake flour (sifted) 1/2 C butter 1.5 C sugar 1 t. baking soda 1/4 t. baking powder 1 t. salt 1/2 C unsweetened cocoa powder…

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