• Recipes,  Uncategorized

    Dijon Caper Brussel Sprouts

    There is a restaurant called Local Kitchen right around the corner from my house and they serve the most amazing dijon caper brussel sprouts. I’ve tried to recreate them about 10 times and feel like I’ve finally come up with a good recipe that pretty closely replicates the flavor. I’m pretty sure their brussel sprouts are fried, but to make this a little healthier I decided to bake mine. Ingredients: 20 brussel sprouts (cut in halves) 2 T capers 2 T olive oil + extra to for baking 1 T dijon mustard juice of half a lemon Recipe: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Cut the brussel sprouts in…

  • Recipes,  Uncategorized

    Veggie Enchiladas with Homemade Enchilada sauce

    Enchiladas are a really easy dinner to make and much of it can be done in advance. It’s a great option for a group because you can make it in a large tray and serve several people at once. I had a girl friend over for dinner on Tuesday and we decided to make enchiladas and margaritas. I often dislike store bought enchilada sauces, so I also made this super easy sauce from scratch! (This recipe makes 8 enchiladas)   Ingredients: 1 can tomato sauce (8 oz) 2 t. cumin 2 t. salt 2 t. chili powder 1 T garlic minced 1 T AP flour 1/4 C olive oil 8…

  • Uncategorized

    My first CSA box!

    I had mentioned in an earlier post that I was planning to join a CSA. Well, last Friday, I got my first box from Farm Fresh to You.  For those of you that aren’t familiar with CSAs, they are local community supported agricultural collectives that distribute seasonal and local produce. As a CSA member, you pay a small fee and select a type of box- fruits, veggies, or mixed. You select the frequency with which they deliver and the size of the box as well. I choose a regular size box to be delivered every other week. I like that farm fresh to you allows you to also select produce…

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